About - Yassin Tawfeeq

A Human's Dynamic Spiritual Contemplation

I've been fascinated by the timeless contemplation of human existence for as long as I can remember. For this reason, I turned to the poets, writers and literary giants. In attempt, to harness some sense of this exquisitely complex existence we call, “life”. To find glimpses of clarity in midst of the chaos, and to represent, said clarities, through the aid of Arabic Calligraphy.

It is through the strokes of Arabic Calligraphy, my chosen accomplice, that I strive to embody these moments of lucidity. With ink and paper as my trusted allies, every carefully drawn letter seeks to encapsulate the very essence of the emotions invoked by the underlying text. In essence, it is an act of reflection, a fellow human's endeavour.

Poetry is the catalyst of inspiration for most pieces. My purpose is to share the profound impact that certain verses have had on my personal journey, fostering an environment that urges the contemplation of the divine. In simple terms, divinity here encompasses the elements beyond ourselves that are evidently found within us.

It would seem at times, certain emotional states and thoughts beckon us, demanding our attention. When these emotions surge past a certain threshold, they necessitate exploration. The aim is to harmonize words with the internal expressions and feelings that seemingly emerge from the uncharted depths of the soul. It's a voyage towards our innate pull towards beauty, a voyage best embarked upon through the artistry of calligraphy and the eloquence of the written word. 

All for a sense of belonging.

Dynamic spiritual reflection you say?
“Publisher, we’re ready”!